D-D-Praz . . . the band "not in a box"

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Selected as performer, and track added to Classical music database.

“The International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP), also known as the Petrucci Music Library after publisher Ottaviano Petrucci, is a project for the creation of a virtual library of public domain music scores, based on the wiki principle. Since its launch on February 16, 2006, over 124,000 scores and 3,400 recordings for over 44,000 works by over 6,400 composers have been uploaded.  . . . One of the main projects of IMSLP was the sorting and uploading of the complete works of Johann Sebastian Bach in the Bach-Gesellschaft Ausgabe (1851–99), a task that was completed on November 3, 2008. Besides J.S. Bach’s complete public domain works, all of Beethoven’s, Brahms’s, Canteloube’s, Chabrier’s, Chausson’s, Chopin’s, Corelli’s, Debussy’s, D’Indy’s, Dukas’s, Fauré’s, Ferroud’s, Handel’s, Huré’s, Magnard’s, Palestrina’s, Ravel’s, Roussel’s, Satie’s, Schmitt’s, Schubert’s, Schumann’s, Scriabin’s, Sibelius’s, a large percentage of Mozart’s, Liszt’s, and others are available as well.”  — excerpt from Wikipedia

In September 2011, D D Praz became the 103 performer profile added to this HUGE catalog – now one of the most prestigious projects for the preservation of Classical music scores.  One production track from our debut Christmas CD – “Nouveau Livre de Nöels” – was accepted and added to the Petrucci Music Library.  (follow link).  We consider this quite an accomplishment, since very few Electronic (non-acoustic) artists or productions are accepted.  Our selection comes from Suite 4, of an 18th Century method book titled “New Book of Noels for Organ and Harpsichord” (translated from French) by Michel Corrette (1707-1795).  This production is an adaptation of Corrette’s original work, for chamber instruments, instead of soley the Organ.  Our choice to utilize chamber instruments was intended to “mimic” the various stops and timbres of the 18th century cathedral organ and its diversity of sounds.

Michael’s formal music training was primarily in Classical piano, thus it’s no surprise he researches Classical music scores when developing many of his productions.  In fact, the majority of what was derived and published per their album D D Praz Christmas was the result of such research from the scores of various, and often obscure Classical composers.  Their tracks “Buona Notte Finale,” “Mo’s Lullaby,” and “Hail That Powerful Name” are a few other notable examples of D D Praz’s historical research, applied to their unique fusion – adaptations and arrangements for “synth orchestra.”  There will be more contributions by D D Praz into the International Music Score Library Project – both digitally restored scores and performance tracks.

Send us your ideas!!  Please follow our links and network with us @ MySpace, or Facebook, or ReverbNation, or SoundCloud

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